Best in class chromatography vials | Cleanest vials for reliability.
Autosampler vials with reduced surface activity makes these premium, quality products the first choice for labs that require accurate and precise chromatographic results.
Reduced Surface Activity Vials, Inserts & Ultra Pure Caps
Meets or Exceeds all Instrument Specs
Use for LCMS, LCMS/MS, Low abundance & Basic Analytes
After years of feedback from chromatographers about vials causing sporadic issues with their results; a manufacturing process was developed to produce vials without the root causes of adsorption, pH change over time and sodium adducts in MS.
Click HERE for more product & technical information.
Caps - Ordering Information; AQR™ screw and snap caps are the highest quality caps available with extremely low extractables & excellent resealing.
RSA™ Low Volume Vials & Inserts - Ordering Information; Maximum recovery vials including MRQ™, Max Recovery™ & "Fused Insert" vials and drop-in inserts with attached springs.
RSA™ Vials - Ordering Information; Clear, Clear WriteOn & Amber WriteOn 2ml vials with Reduced Surface Activity glass.
NEW!!! RSA-Pro X Low adsorbing, Hydrophobic Vials with a new Surface Treatment technology that not only provides complete coverage of RSA Vials, but also has extremely long hydrolytic stability.