UHPLC Column, RP Phenyl, 1.8um, 100A. 4.6mm ID x 100mm Length. Cogent Brand. 1 EA.

Additional Info:

This Cogent RP Phenyl™, is double end capped (fully), with traditional bonding of a 3 carbon silane with a terminal Phenyl Ring to the highest purity silica available.

The small, 1.8µm Particle Size will provide high efficiency even at high flow rates and the Peak Capacity is greater than a 3um Particle. Higher back pressures than with larger particle columns are typical and a special UHPLC instrument may be required for proper results.

Choose for analysis of isomers (positional), Tocopherols, Flavonoids, Polynuclear Aromatics, Nitro-Aromatic Compounds, many Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs), Natural Products and Related Compounds that have Phenyl Rings, when you are trying to reduce the run time and keep resolution the same or if you want to improve resolution of existing methods. Ideal for new method development since these columns are lower cost to run due to reduced solvent use and wastage and increased instrument throughput.

Note: A specialized UHPLC System is required for this column and your samples should be filtered with a 0.2µm Syringe Filter before injection.


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