Privacy Policy

MicroSolv Technology Corporation knows that you care how information about you is used and shared, and we appreciate your trust that we will do so carefully and sensibly. This notice describes our privacy policy.

Use of Cookies

The MicroSolv website may use web browser cookies to collect navigational data about how visitors travel through our own site. We may use a cookie to identify you on a return visit so that you do not have to type in your billing and shipping information every time you make a purchase.

MicroSolv does not collect to sell, or rent any individual navigational data about where our visitors come from before arriving at our site or where they go immediately afterward.

Information Disclosure

MicroSolv does not normally share navigational data collected from our website with third parties. However, if this data is shared, it is always expressed only in aggregate form; we do not disclose individual navigational information.

MicroSolv  does not sell or rent its customer contact or account information such as phone numbers, street addresses, or email addresses to any third party, except when required to comply with a valid legal process.

MicroSolv does not disclose information about individual customer purchases, except to complete transactions or to comply with a valid legal process.

MicroSolv Technology Corporation uses customer credit card and other billing account numbers only for the fulfillment of transactions initiated by customers. We do not use this information for any other purpose, nor do we disclose such information to any third party, except when required to comply with a valid legal process.

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