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We are always ready to lend any support we can. Our experienced scientists and professionals are ready to assist you with any technical support questions. Every question is considered a good question and we will work with you on a solution as fast as possible.

  • Call us: 8:30AM - 6:00PM EST 1-732-380-8900 and hit 0#

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Protect your HPLC columns while in use | Keep systems in service longer.

Guard columns are a very good way to protect your columns while in use. Guard columns should always match your analytical or prep column's stationary phase since the matching phases will make your column a few millimeters longer but will not change the selectivity. If you choose a different phase, you may be trapping some of your analytes. This technique is well known but not considered column protection.

Guard columns will adsorb many chemical entities as well as undissolved particles prior to reaching your column. These particles may permanently adsorb to the analytical column changing its character and selectivity. When the guard column is no longer functioning, showing changes to your peak shape or retention time, its time to replace it.

The holders for the Cogent guard systems are listed on this page and the actual guard cartridges are listed with their respective stationary phases.

NOTE: Our technical support team strongly recommends that the Cogent column filter, included with each column, be used with all HPLC columns whenever possible. Click HERE for details.

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