Every Day, Reliable & Precise Columns for Reversed Phase 


Why Choose Cogent RP™?

  1. Cogent RP™ HPLC columns have been available for over 20 years and are used in many USP© and "in-house" developed methods. 
  2. They are manufactured in the USA and available globally through local distributors.
  3. Our R&D and Technical Support Laboratories assist our customers for lifetime with live, free and friendly support..
  4. RP columns are reliable, you can count on them and are easy to use.

About Cogent RP™ Columns:

  • Providing excellent peak shapes, precision and robust column lifetimes.
  • They are available in a wide range of phases for closely related compounds and other challenges. A truly great value.
  • The columns are manufactured in a state of the art, modern, ultra-clean factory with a focus on materials accountability and chain of custody. They can be used reliably and confidently in regulated laboratories and modern HPLC applications.
  • 100Å and 300Å phases are used in analytical methods and all 3, 5 and 10µm phases can be scaled-up for preparative HPLC applications. All phases are available in guard and analytical sizes with: 2.1, 4.6, 10, 21.2, 30 and 50mm ID columns. Other ID's may be available, please inquire for details. Know that you can always scale up your method if needed.
  • The very best HPLC silica available today is used with super-efficient bonding, exhaustive end-capping and consistent column packing are only part of the RP™ columns package. Be confident you are getting the highest quality RP columns and you are not compromising.
  • Accountability for manufacturing materials, on-boarding support, troubleshooting and assistance during investigations as well as mirroring method conditions in our laboratories are part of the RP™ package. Be confident these columns can be traced to source materials if needed.

Available in Guard, Analytical & Preparative Sizes.

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